Strelitzia Nicolai

Strelitzia nicolai

Strelitzia Nicolai

0 out of 5



Out Stock

Description :

Also known as the Giant White Bird of Paradise, or Wild Banana, this structural evergreen is primarily grown for its handsome, banana-like, foliage, which becomes shredded as it ages. Given time and the right conditions however, it may occasionally produce a a blue and white flowerhead too! In it’s native environment, this plant can grow to a great height, the foliage alone nearing, but when confined to a pot and kept as an indoor plant, it will be a much more modest, but no less decorative specimen.

Requires full sunlight, but avoid bright sunlight in spring and summer. Keep the compost moderately moist during growth, allowing it to dry slightly between each watering period.

Additional Information :
Pot Size

24L 130cm

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